Spetsnaz Security International - London UK Based VIP Close Protection Bodyguard Services

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Servicios de guardaespaldas de protección cercana en Londres Reino Unido y Inernational
Servicios de protección cerrada armada-spetsnaz-security-international-limited-fidel-matola-worldwide-close-protection-bodyguard-services
Inicio / Servicios
Empresa de seguridad privada con sede en Londres que ofrece servicios de seguridad internacional.
#1: Servicios de Guardaespaldas de Protección Cercana VIP con base en Londres, Reino Unido | Expertos en Protección Personal | Seguridad Privada | Asequible, Fiable | Contratar Protección Ejecutiva de Confianza | Spetsnaz Security International
Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd. es una empresa de seguridad privada 100% independiente con sede en Londres. Spetsnaz Security International (SSI) se mantiene firme en su compromiso de proporcionar a los clientes sólo los más altos estándares de protección personal. Los agentes de seguridad de SSI, que cuentan con un apoyo logístico adecuado, no sólo están formados en el estricto cumplimiento del protocolo, sino también en la importancia de un cuidado atento y personal hacia los clientes, que a menudo es descuidado por las empresas de este sector. No hay una sola etiqueta que encaje, ya que somos guardaespaldas de protección, consultores de seguridad, guardias desarmados de Londres, escoltas de seguridad e investigadores privados que realizan investigaciones privadas en todo el mundo.

Investigadores privados - Investigaciones privadas en todo el mundo
Spetsnaz Security International posee dos normas por las que se define el éxito de la misión: 1) llegar al final de un detalle con cero infracciones de seguridad y 2) superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes tanto en los servicios que han recibido, como en la integridad de nuestro personal. Independientemente de si usted necesita un PI, servicios de protección personal, protección de celebridades, servicios de guardia de seguridad, o un consultor de seguridad puede confiar en Spetsnaz Security International para manejar sus necesidades.

Spetsnaz Security International se especializa con orgullo en muchas disciplinas únicas de servicios de seguridad y protección, incluyendo la protección diplomática, la protección ejecutiva, la protección familiar y los servicios de supervisión de puertas.

Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd. (SSI) es una empresa de seguridad licenciada y asegurada con sede en Londres, Reino Unido. Nuestra oficina de Londres se estableció en diciembre de 2016. Actualmente contamos con más de 300 empleados. Nos especializamos en proporcionar servicios de seguridad centrados en el cliente y rentables. Mantenemos una estrecha relación con nuestros clientes, esforzándonos siempre por garantizar soluciones en tiempo real a la miríada de problemas y retos de seguridad que prevalecen en el entorno empresarial actual.

Nuestra amplia experiencia adquirida al proporcionar soluciones a los requisitos de contratación es insuperable. Nuestro equipo de profesionales hace un ejercicio diario de eficacia y eficiencia adoptando enfoques de sentido común para el éxito operativo. Nuestros procedimientos y técnicas, de eficacia probada, están diseñados para promover el cumplimiento de la misión a través de la planificación proactiva y detallada, la contratación, el entrenamiento y la dotación de personal para un despliegue eficiente, rápido y sostenido.

Nuestra fuerza es nuestra gente y nuestro compromiso con el cumplimiento de la misión. Creemos que la protección proactiva, el conocimiento de la situación y la experiencia técnica son claves importantes para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes en el cambiante mundo actual. Nuestros objetivos estratégicos son identificar y comprender las amenazas, evaluar las vulnerabilidades y determinar los posibles impactos negativos en los recursos y activos de nuestros clientes. A través de la formación, el liderazgo y la adhesión a un estricto código de conducta, ofrecemos un entorno en el que nuestros directivos y empleados marcan la pauta de los servicios de seguridad prestados.

Contacto con la empresa
Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd.
TELÉFONO : +44-759-957-4524 (Viber y WhatsApp)


Protección cercana
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Nuestros guardaespaldas de protección cercana, totalmente examinados por el gobierno del Reino Unido y con licencia SIA, están capacitados para satisfacer las necesidades de seguridad corporativa y privada. Ya sea que requiera un oficial o un equipo de oficiales, proporcionamos seguridad personal para individuos de alto valor neto, VIPs, celebridades, ejecutivos y otros individuos de riesgo que necesitan servicios de protección especializados.

Nuestro objetivo es mantenerle a salvo sin comprometer su privacidad. Nuestros agentes están especialmente formados para identificar y analizar cualquier amenaza o problema que pueda surgir, evitando así que se agrave mediante un enfoque PROACTIVO. . Los servicios de guardaespaldas de protección cercana VIP con base en Londres proporcionan servicios de protección de alta calidad V.I.P, diplomáticos, primeros ministros, presidentes, líderes, gobiernos de todo el mundo 24/7, 7 días a la semana. Los servicios de guardaespaldas para eventos en Londres proporcionan servicios de seguridad fiables, receptivos y de confianza a muchas industrias diversificadas.

Ya sea permanente o temporal, proporcionamos servicios de guardia 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, para emergencias, cobertura de turnos, construcción y mucho más. Además, los expertos en seguridad y guardaespaldas desarmados V.I.P del Reino Unido llevarán a cabo una evaluación de riesgos que se utilizará para personalizar las necesidades de seguridad de cada cliente.


Investigación privada | Vigilancia abierta o encubierta | Nacional e internacional
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Servicios de protección cerrada armada-spetsnaz-security-international-limited-fidel-matola-worldwide-close-protection-bodyguard-services
¿Qué es la vigilancia física?
Registro de los movimientos, actividades e interacciones de una persona o grupo de personas. Los agentes de vigilancia experimentados están disponibles a nivel nacional o internacional en un plazo relativamente corto para controlar y registrar los movimientos, las interacciones y las actividades de cualquier persona o grupo de personas. Los agentes están totalmente equipados con equipos de audio/vídeo/seguimiento de alta tecnología y pueden desplegarse en equipos compuestos por vehículos itinerantes, motocicletas y "botas sobre el terreno". La vigilancia aérea y acuática puede organizarse La vigilancia es un recurso de investigación clave en cualquier investigación o indagación, ya que proporciona una prueba visual clara, inequívoca e irrefutable de las acciones de una persona.

La vigilancia es utilizada por los gobiernos para la recopilación de información, la prevención de delitos, la protección de un proceso, una persona, un grupo o un objeto, o la investigación de un delito. También la utilizan las organizaciones delictivas para planificar y cometer delitos, y las empresas para recabar información sobre sus competidores, proveedores o clientes.

¿Qué es exactamente la vigilancia?
La vigilancia es el seguimiento del comportamiento, las actividades o la información con el fin de influir, gestionar o dirigir. Puede incluir la observación a distancia mediante equipos electrónicos, como un circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV), o la interceptación de información transmitida electrónicamente, como el tráfico de Internet. También puede incluir métodos técnicos simples, como la recopilación de información humana y la interceptación postal.

¿Cuánto cuesta la vigilancia?
La vigilancia suele facturarse por agente, por hora. Esta tarifa por hora depende de la zona en la que se vaya a realizar la vigilancia, del número de horas de vigilancia necesarias y de otros factores relevantes para el asunto. Si se utilizan vehículos, se cobrarán las tarifas estándar de AA por vehículo y por kilómetro. Otras formas de transporte y gastos imprevistos (por ejemplo, estacionamiento, peajes, entradas, etc.) se facturarán a precio de coste. Todos los costes se discutirán con usted de antemano y se acordará un presupuesto preaprobado para los gastos imprevistos. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted para discutir y buscar la aprobación de cualquier gasto importante que surja durante la vigilancia, de modo que nunca acabe con una factura final que no esperaba.
El objetivo de este servicio es proporcionar servicios completos de seguridad utilizando la vigilancia física y digital en lugar de servicios de guardaespaldas de protección cercana. La contravigilancia es lo mismo que un servicio de guardaespaldas de protección cercana, pero se lleva a cabo de forma totalmente invisible, lo que le da tranquilidad y ventaja sobre sus enemigos/competidores o cualquier cosa que pueda preocuparle. Realizando operaciones en la calle nuestros agentes de vigilancia-contravigilancia son totalmente invisibles y pueden actuar como cualquier cosa para mezclar el entorno. Estos excepcionales servicios de vigilancia le dan la ventaja de cómo recuperar el elemento sorpresa y la ventaja táctica llevando a cabo operaciones de protección verdaderamente encubiertas.

Si no quiere que un guardia de seguridad siga todos sus movimientos, ofrecemos servicios de vigilancia protectora. Se trata de una técnica de perfil más bajo que se utiliza para proporcionar protección a los clientes que desean mantener su intimidad y, al mismo tiempo, tener la tranquilidad de que hay un equipo de seguridad capaz y con capacidad de respuesta en las proximidades en caso de que se produzca una situación.

Proporcionamos agentes de seguridad y sistemas de vigilancia electrónica nacionales e internacionales a edificios de oficinas, obras de construcción, espacios comerciales, instalaciones de transporte, residencias privadas, vecindarios, propiedades comerciales y empresariales, comunidades locales, centros de datos, instalaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. Los servicios contratados a tiempo completo y a tiempo parcial reciben la misma calidad de servicio respaldada por nuestro compromiso con la excelencia.


Seguridad residencial
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Servicios de protección cerrada armada-spetsnaz-security-international-limited-fidel-matola-worldwide-close-protection-bodyguard-services
Protegiendo comunidades residenciales y mejorando la calidad de vida.
Su familia merece la paz de la mente y las comunidades residenciales de Spetsnaz Security International y la mejora de la calidad de vida.Patrullas residenciales seguimiento por GPS de los agentes de seguridad, Profesional, SIA Licencia, de confianza y servicios fiables y 100% de satisfacción del cliente.

Protegiendo lo que más importa Recepción, Servicios de Embajador, Acceso de los clientes a los informes en línea 24/7 Parking Enforcement & Seguridad 24/7 Sistema de Patrulla Residencial, seguridad residencial.

Tenemos experiencia en el trato con comunidades residenciales en los condados de Londres, Westminster y Belgravia, donde nuestro control de acceso, patrullas itinerantes y embajadores de recepción proporcionan servicios personalizados a cada residente. Tratamos a los residentes, a los visitantes, a los empleados y a los vendedores con dignidad y respeto.Nuestra misión es proporcionar seguridad a su familia y mantener su propiedad segura a toda costa 24/7, 7 días a la semana. Nuestros guardias de seguridad con clase y altamente capacitados mantendrán su residencia segura. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener información sobre cómo podemos proporcionar seguridad a su propiedad residencial. Nos encantaría evaluar su propiedad residencial.


Guardias de seguridad para eventos | Servicios de seguridad para fiestas o eventos especiales
Llámenos ahora en: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
#1 Compañía de Guardias de Seguridad en Londres
Spetsnaz Security International Service es la primera empresa de servicios de guardias de seguridad en Londres. Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro trabajo en todo Londres y las regiones circundantes. Spetsnaz Security International Service cuenta con un personal extremadamente capacitado y altamente entrenado de guardias de seguridad para eventos, seguridad en el set de filmación, personal para eventos, manejo de efectivo y servicios de transporte seguro, guardias de seguridad armados, seguridad ejecutiva, seguridad en el set y consultores de tecnología de seguridad empresarial que tienen años de experiencia práctica. Póngase en contacto con Spetsnaz Security International Service si tiene alguna preocupación o necesidad de seguridad de cualquier tipo o tamaño. Spetsnaz Security International Services ofrece servicios de seguridad bajo demanda en todas las partes de Londres, incluyendo: Westminster, Belgravia, Brentford, Chiswick, Ealing, Mayfair y más.

Spetsnaz Security International Services ofrece a los propietarios de empresas, promotores de eventos, gerentes y clientes privados soluciones integradas diseñadas para abordar de forma rápida, eficiente y eficaz cualquier problema de seguridad. Incluso podemos proporcionar guardaespaldas de famosos, seguridad en platós de cine y seguridad en la alfombra roja. El mundo moderno es un lugar aterrador con peligros en evolución que plantean problemas de seguridad extremadamente peligrosos. El servicio de Spetsnaz Security International abordará estas preocupaciones con soluciones personalizadas diseñadas por especialistas que representan el mejor y más actualizado talento y tecnología que se puede encontrar en la industria, por no hablar de la Nación. Los servicios de Spetsnaz Security International proporcionan soluciones innovadoras como:

Seguridad de eventos - Eventos de cualquier tamaño, desde pequeñas reuniones hasta grandes estadios llenos
Seguridad en clubes - Seguridad en clubes nocturnos y bares de cualquier tipo
Seguridad en platós de cine - Control de multitudes y seguridad constante en platós
Seguridad en elecciones - Los ciclos electorales polémicos pueden provocar brotes de violencia
Seguridad las 24 horas del día - Seguridad y vigilancia las 24 horas del día
Seguridad sin armas - Cuando la carga o el cliente necesitan especialistas capacitados, estamos aquí
Seguridad VIP - Hemos custodiado y protegido a muchas personalidades de todo tipo
Seguridad comercial y privada - Cualquier propiedad de cualquier tamaño
Spetsnaz Security International Services está extremadamente cualificado y constantemente entrenado en nuevos y mejores métodos para abordar cuestiones de seguridad tales como:

Grandes multitudes y manifestaciones
Actividades terroristas
Ataques violentos
Intentos de robo
Allanamientos de morada
Prevención y detección de incendios
Protección de personalidades y personas

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Nos enorgullece decir que ninguna de las empresas de seguridad residencial de Londres ofrece ninguno de nuestros servicios de primera calidad al precio que nosotros podemos ofrecer. Puede contratar seguridad para eventos, bodas, fiestas y reuniones corporativas, platós de cine y televisión, espectáculos, pubs, conciertos y para eventos privados, cobro de deudas, restaurantes, clubes nocturnos, casinos, etc.

Spetsnaz Security International presta servicios en las siguientes zonas de Londres
Norte de Londres | Camden |Euston |Hampstead |Highgate |Kentish Town |Kings Cross |Islington |Stoke Newington |St. Pancras |Wembley ....

Sur de Londres |Brixton |Dulwich |Forest Hill |Greenwich |Lambeth |Southwark |Wandsworth |Wimbledon

West London |Brentford |Chiswick |Ealing |Fulham |Hammersmith | Hampton |Isleworth |Twickenham

East London |Docklands |Bethnal Green |Shoreditch |Spitalfields |Whitechapel |Walthamstow |Mile End |Bow | Stratford

Centro de Londres |Bayswater |Bloomsbury |Clerkenwell|La City |Holborn |Mayfair |Paddington |Pimlico |Soho |St. James's | St. John's Wood |El West End |Westminster |Whitehall

Cubrimos los siguientes códigos postales para la seguridad de eventos en Londres

EC1 |EC2 |EC3 |EC4 |W1 |W2 |W4 |W6 |W11|SW1|SW3|SW5|SW7|SW11|SW19 |SE1|SE10|SE21|E1|E2|E3|N1|N5|N6|NW1|NW3|WC2|EC1|EC2|EC3|EC4|W1|W2|W4 |W6|W8 |W11 |SW1|SW3 |SW5 |SW7 |SW11 |SW19 |SE1 |SE10|SE16 |SE21 |E1 |E2 |E3 vN1 |N5 |N6 |NW1 |NW3 | WC1 |WC2|

Además podemos desplegar nuestros servicios a nivel nacional o internacional 24/7, 7 días a la semana.

© SpetsnazSecurityInternational.co.uk - - Contáctenos | Política de privacidad - Términos y condiciones | Nº de empresa 10524908 | Tel: 07599574524 (Viber & WhatsApp)

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Close Protection Bodyguard Services in London UK And Inernational
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London based Private Security Company providing international security services.
#1: London UK Based VIP Close Protection Bodyguard Services London, UK | Personal Protection Experts | Private Security | Affordable, Reliable | Hire Trustworthy Executive Protection | Spetsnaz Security International
Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd. is 100% independent private security company based in London. Spetsnaz Security International (SSI) stands firm in its commitment to provide clients with only the highest standards in personal protection . Provided with judicious logistical support, SSI security agents are not only trained in strict adherence to protocol, but also in the importance of an attentive, personal care towards clients that is often neglected by firms in this industry. There is not one label that fits as we are protection bodyguards , security consultants , London unarmed guards , security escorts and private investigators performing private investigations throughout the entire World.

Private Investigators - Worldwide Private Investigations
Spetsnaz Security International possesses two standards by which mission success is defined: 1) arriving at the end of a detail with zero safeties or security infractions and 2) exceeding our clients expectations in both the services that they have received, as well as in the integrity of our personnel. Regardless of whether you need a PI , personal protection services , celebrity protection , security guard services , or a security consultant you can rely on Spetsnaz Security International to handle your needs.

Spetsnaz Security International proudly specializes in much unique security and protection service disciplines including Diplomatic Protection , Executive Protection , Family Protection , and Door supervisor Services .

Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd. (SSI) is a licensed and insured security firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Our London office was established in December of 2016. We currently have over 300 employees. We specialize in providing customer-focused and cost-effective security services. We maintain close relationships with our clients, always striving to ensure real-time solutions to the myriad of security issues and challenges prevalent in today's business environment.

Our extensive experience gained by providing solutions to contracting requirements is unsurpassed. Our team of professionals do it a daily exercise to practice both effectiveness and efficiency by taking commonly sense approaches to operational success. Our tried and proven procedures and techniques are designed to promote mission accomplishment through proactive and detailed planning, recruiting, hiring, training, and staffing for efficient, rapid, and sustained deployment.

Our strength is our people and commitment to mission accomplishment. We believe that proactive protection, situational awareness, and technical expertise are important keys to meeting the needs of our clients in today's ever-changing world. Our strategic goals are to identify and understand threats, assess vulnerabilities, and determine potential negative impacts to our clients resources and assets. Through training, leadership, and adhering to a strict code of conduct, we offer an environment where our management and employees set the standard for provided security services.

Contact us
Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd.
PHONE : +44-759-957-4524 (Viber and WhatsApp)


Close Protection
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
Our fully UK Government vetted and SIA Licensed & boned Close Protection Bodyguards are trained to meet corporate & private security needs. Whether you require one officer or a team of officers, we provide personal security for Ultra high-net-worth individuals, VIPs, celebrities, executives, and other at-risk individuals needing specialized protective services.

Our objective is to keep you safe without compromising your privacy. Our officers are specially trained to identify and analyze any threats or issues that may arise, thereby preventing them from escalating via PROACTIVE approach. . London UK Based VIP Close Protection Bodyguard Services provides high-quality protection services V.I.P, Diplomats, Premiers, Presidents, Leaders, Governments around the World 24/7, 7 days a week. London event bodyguard services provide trustworthy, responsive and reliable security services to many diversified industries.

Whether permanent or temporary, we provide on-call guard services 24/7 for emergencies, shift coverage, construction, and more. In addition, London UK unarmed V.I.P close protection bodyguard and security experts will conduct a risk assessment which will be utilized to customize each individual client’s security needs.


Private Investigation | Overt or Covert Surveillance | National and International
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
What is Physical Surveillance?
Recording the movements, activities and Interactions of a Person or a group of people. Experienced surveillance agents are available national or international at relatively short notice in order to monitor and record the movements, interactions and activities of any person or group of people. Agents are fully equipped with hi-tech audio / video / tracking equipment and can be deployed in teams comprising roving vehicles, motorcycles and "boots on the ground". Aerial and waterborne surveillance can be arranged surveillance is a key investigative resource in any investigation or enquiry as it provides clear, unambiguous and irrefutable visual proof of a person's actions.

Surveillance is used by governments for intelligence gathering, prevention of crime, the protection of a process, person, group or object, or the investigation of crime. It is also used by criminal organizations to plan and commit crimes, and by businesses to gather intelligence on their competitors, suppliers or customers.

What exactly is surveillance?
Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, activities, or information for the purpose of influencing, managing or directing. This can include observation from a distance by means of electronic equipment, such as closed-circuit television (CCTV), or interception of electronically transmitted information, such as Internet traffic. It can also include simple technical methods, such as human intelligence gathering and postal interception.

How much does surveillance cost?
Surveillance usually is billed per agent, per hour. This hourly fee is dependent upon the area in which the surveillance is to take place, the number of hours of surveillance required as well as other factors relevant to the matter. If vehicles are to be used then the standard AA-rates will be charged per vehicle, per mile. Other forms of transportation and incidental expenses (e.g. parking, tolls, entrance fees, etc.) are billed at cost. All costs will be discussed with you beforehand and a pre-approved budget for incidental expenses will be agreed upon. We would contact you discuss and seek approval for any potential major expenses that arise during the surveillance so you will never end up with a final bill that you were not expecting.
The aim of this service is to provide complete security services using physical and digital surveillance instead close protection bodyguard services. Protective surveillance-counter surveillance is the same as a close protection bodyguard service but conducted totally invisible giving you peace in mind and advantage over your enemies/competitors or anything that you might worry from. Conducting operations on the street our surveillance-counter surveillance officers are completely invisible and they can act as anything to blend the environment. These exceptional surveillance services gives you advantage how to reclaim the element of surprise and the tactical advantage by conducting truly covert protective operations.

If you do not want a security guard shadowing your every move, we offer protective surveillance services. This is a more low-profile technique used for providing protection to clients who want to keep their privacy while having peace of mind that there is a responsive and capable security team nearby if a situation were to arise.

We provide security officers and electronic surveillance systems national and international to office buildings, construction sites, retail space, transportation facilities, private residences, neighborhoods, business and commercial properties, local communities, data centers, government and non-government installations. Full time and part-time contracted services receive the same quality of service backed by our commitment to excellence.


Residential Security
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Protecting residential communities and improving the quality of life.
Your Family Deserves peace of mind and Spetsnaz Security International's residential communities and improving the quality of life.Residential Patrols GPS tracking of security officers, Professional, SIA Licensed, trustworthy and reliable services and 100% customer satisfaction.

Protecting what matters most Front Desk, Ambassador Services, Clients access to Online reports 24/7 Parking Enforcement & Security 24/7 Residential Patrol System, residential security.

We are experienced in dealing with residential communities in London, Westminster, and Belgravia counties where our access control, roving patrols and front desk ambassadors provide personalized services to each resident. We treat residents, visitors, employees, and vendors with dignity and respect.Our mission is to provide safety to your family and keep your property safe at all cost 24/7, 7 days a week. Our classy and highly trained security guards will keep your residence secured. Contact us for information on how we can provide security to your residential property. We would love to evaluate your residential property.


Event Security Guards | Party or Special Event Security Services
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
#1 Security Guard Company London
Spetsnaz Security International Service is the premier security guard services company in London. We take great pride in our work throughout London and the surrounding regions. Spetsnaz Security International Service boasts an extremely skilled and highly trained staff of event security guards, movie film set security, event staff, cash handling and secure transportation services , armed security guards, executive security , on set security and business security technology consultants that have years of hands on experience. Contact Spetsnaz Security International Service if you have any security concerns or needs of any type or size. Spetsnaz Security International Services provides on-demand security services to all parts of London including: Westminster, Belgravia, Brentford, Chiswick, Ealing, Mayfair and more.

Spetsnaz Security International services provides business owners, event promoters, managers and private customers with integrated solutions designed to quickly, efficiently and effectively address any security concerns. We can even provide celebrity bodyguards , movie set security, and red-carpet security. The modern world is a frightening place with evolving dangers that pose extremely dangerous security concerns. Spetsnaz Security International Service will address these concerns with customized solutions designed by specialists that represent the best and most up to date talent and technology that can be found in the industry, let alone in the Nation. Spetsnaz Security International services provide innovative solutions such as:

Event Security – Any size event, from small gatherings to huge, filled arenas
Club Security – Nightclub security and bar security of any nature
Movie Set Security – Crowd control and constant set security
Election Security – Contentious election cycles can cause violent outbreaks
Around the Clock Security – 24/7 security and monitoring
Unarmed Security – When the cargo or customer needs trained specialists, we’re here
VIP Security – We have guarded and protected many VIP’s of all stature
Commercial & Private Security – Any and all properties of any size
Spetsnaz Security International Services is extremely qualified and constantly trained in new and improve methods to address security issues such as:

Large crowds & demonstrations
Terrorist activities
Violent attacks
Attempted theft
Fire prevention and detection
VIP and individual protection

London UK International Driver, off duty cops, police officers, State Trooper, family driver, Covert security, corporate chauffeur, off duty cops, police officers, asset protection, private driver, Priority Executive Services, armed chauffeurs, executive armed chauffeurs, secure transportation, security guards, law enforcement, police, safety, executive protection, bodyguard, Security driver, personal driver, private chauffeurs, executive chauffeurs, VIP security, concierge, protection driver, protection chauffeur, security companies, Westminster, Connecticut, corporate transportation, celebrity security, corporate travel management, country club, secure transportation, public relations firm, private jet, London consulates, London chauffeur, corporate chauffeur, Rolls Royce Phantom, SUV, Bentley Continental Flying Spur, Cadillac Escalade, Mercedes Benz Sprinter, limousine, black car service, athlete, travel agent, destination management company, headquarters, caa, safe, player, ride, protection, aexp, American business express travel, travel agents, athlete protection, artist transportation, Department of defense top secret, dod confidential, Motion Picture Talent, film talent,CODIV 19, TV Talent, music talent, sports agent, entertainment agent, musical agent, transportation department, transportation gang boss, transportation coordinator, production department, production manager, assistant director, 1st ad, 1st assistant director, crew transportation, assistant director, 2nd AD, film director, film crew, video director, movie producer, music producer, video producer, production assistant, Production Coordinator, Production Manager, Celebrity Booker, talent booker, Transport Captain, travel coordinator, sports management agency, sports marketing agencies, players agent, booking agency, artist management agency, artist representative,

We take pride in saying that none of the residential security companies in London offer any of our premium services at the price that we can offer. You can hire security for events, wedding, corporate parties and gatherings, film and TV sets, shows, pubs,concerts and for private events, debt collection, restaurants, night clubs, casinos etc.

Spetsnaz Security International Provides Services in following areas of London
North London | Camden |Euston |Hampstead |Highgate | Kentish Town |Kings Cross |Islington |Stoke Newington |St. Pancras |Wembley ....

South London |Brixton |Dulwich |Forest Hill | Greenwich |Lambeth |Southwark |Wandsworth | Wimbledon

West London |Brentford |Chiswick |Ealing |Fulham |Hammersmith | Hampton |Isleworth |Twickenham

East London |Docklands |Bethnal Green |Shoreditch |Spitalfields |Whitechapel |Walthamstow |Mile End |Bow | Stratford

Central London |Bayswater | Belgravia|Bloomsbury |Clerkenwell|The City |Holborn | Mayfair |Paddington |Pimlico |Soho |St. James's | St. John's Wood |The West End | Westminster |Whitehall

We Cover following postcodes for event security in London

EC1 |EC2 |EC3 |EC4 |W1 |W2 |W4 |W6 |W11|SW1|SW3|SW5|SW7|SW11|SW19 |SE1|SE10|SE21|E1|E2|E3|N1|N5|N6|NW1|NW3|WC2|EC1|EC2|EC3|EC4|W1|W2|W4 |W6|W8 |W11 |SW1|SW3 |SW5 |SW7 |SW11 |SW19 |SE1 |SE10|SE16 |SE21 |E1 |E2 |E3 vN1 |N5 |N6 |NW1 |NW3 | WC1 |WC2|

In addition we can deploy our services national or international 24/7, 7 days a week.

© SpetsnazSecurityInternational.co.uk - - Contact Us | Privacy Policy - Terms And Conditions | Company No. 10524908 | Tel: 07599574524 (Viber & WhatsApp)

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Close Protection Bodyguard Services in London UK And Inernational
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London based Private Security Company providing international security services.
#1: London UK Based VIP Close Protection Bodyguard Services London, UK | Personal Protection Experts | Private Security | Affordable, Reliable | Hire Trustworthy Executive Protection | Spetsnaz Security International
Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd. is 100% independent private security company based in London. Spetsnaz Security International (SSI) stands firm in its commitment to provide clients with only the highest standards in personal protection . Provided with judicious logistical support, SSI security agents are not only trained in strict adherence to protocol, but also in the importance of an attentive, personal care towards clients that is often neglected by firms in this industry. There is not one label that fits as we are protection bodyguards , security consultants , London unarmed guards , security escorts and private investigators performing private investigations throughout the entire World.

Private Investigators - Worldwide Private Investigations
Spetsnaz Security International possesses two standards by which mission success is defined: 1) arriving at the end of a detail with zero safeties or security infractions and 2) exceeding our clients expectations in both the services that they have received, as well as in the integrity of our personnel. Regardless of whether you need a PI , personal protection services , celebrity protection , security guard services , or a security consultant you can rely on Spetsnaz Security International to handle your needs.

Spetsnaz Security International proudly specializes in much unique security and protection service disciplines including Diplomatic Protection , Executive Protection , Family Protection , and Door supervisor Services .

Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd. (SSI) is a licensed and insured security firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Our London office was established in December of 2016. We currently have over 300 employees. We specialize in providing customer-focused and cost-effective security services. We maintain close relationships with our clients, always striving to ensure real-time solutions to the myriad of security issues and challenges prevalent in today's business environment.

Our extensive experience gained by providing solutions to contracting requirements is unsurpassed. Our team of professionals do it a daily exercise to practice both effectiveness and efficiency by taking commonly sense approaches to operational success. Our tried and proven procedures and techniques are designed to promote mission accomplishment through proactive and detailed planning, recruiting, hiring, training, and staffing for efficient, rapid, and sustained deployment.

Our strength is our people and commitment to mission accomplishment. We believe that proactive protection, situational awareness, and technical expertise are important keys to meeting the needs of our clients in today's ever-changing world. Our strategic goals are to identify and understand threats, assess vulnerabilities, and determine potential negative impacts to our clients resources and assets. Through training, leadership, and adhering to a strict code of conduct, we offer an environment where our management and employees set the standard for provided security services.

Contact us
Spetsnaz Security International, Ltd.
PHONE : +44-759-957-4524 (Viber and WhatsApp)


Close Protection
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
Our fully UK Government vetted and SIA Licensed & boned Close Protection Bodyguards are trained to meet corporate & private security needs. Whether you require one officer or a team of officers, we provide personal security for Ultra high-net-worth individuals, VIPs, celebrities, executives, and other at-risk individuals needing specialized protective services.

Our objective is to keep you safe without compromising your privacy. Our officers are specially trained to identify and analyze any threats or issues that may arise, thereby preventing them from escalating via PROACTIVE approach. . London UK Based VIP Close Protection Bodyguard Services provides high-quality protection services V.I.P, Diplomats, Premiers, Presidents, Leaders, Governments around the World 24/7, 7 days a week. London event bodyguard services provide trustworthy, responsive and reliable security services to many diversified industries.

Whether permanent or temporary, we provide on-call guard services 24/7 for emergencies, shift coverage, construction, and more. In addition, London UK unarmed V.I.P close protection bodyguard and security experts will conduct a risk assessment which will be utilized to customize each individual client’s security needs.


Private Investigation | Overt or Covert Surveillance | National and International
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
What is Physical Surveillance?
Recording the movements, activities and Interactions of a Person or a group of people. Experienced surveillance agents are available national or international at relatively short notice in order to monitor and record the movements, interactions and activities of any person or group of people. Agents are fully equipped with hi-tech audio / video / tracking equipment and can be deployed in teams comprising roving vehicles, motorcycles and "boots on the ground". Aerial and waterborne surveillance can be arranged surveillance is a key investigative resource in any investigation or enquiry as it provides clear, unambiguous and irrefutable visual proof of a person's actions.

Surveillance is used by governments for intelligence gathering, prevention of crime, the protection of a process, person, group or object, or the investigation of crime. It is also used by criminal organizations to plan and commit crimes, and by businesses to gather intelligence on their competitors, suppliers or customers.

What exactly is surveillance?
Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, activities, or information for the purpose of influencing, managing or directing. This can include observation from a distance by means of electronic equipment, such as closed-circuit television (CCTV), or interception of electronically transmitted information, such as Internet traffic. It can also include simple technical methods, such as human intelligence gathering and postal interception.

How much does surveillance cost?
Surveillance usually is billed per agent, per hour. This hourly fee is dependent upon the area in which the surveillance is to take place, the number of hours of surveillance required as well as other factors relevant to the matter. If vehicles are to be used then the standard AA-rates will be charged per vehicle, per mile. Other forms of transportation and incidental expenses (e.g. parking, tolls, entrance fees, etc.) are billed at cost. All costs will be discussed with you beforehand and a pre-approved budget for incidental expenses will be agreed upon. We would contact you discuss and seek approval for any potential major expenses that arise during the surveillance so you will never end up with a final bill that you were not expecting.
The aim of this service is to provide complete security services using physical and digital surveillance instead close protection bodyguard services. Protective surveillance-counter surveillance is the same as a close protection bodyguard service but conducted totally invisible giving you peace in mind and advantage over your enemies/competitors or anything that you might worry from. Conducting operations on the street our surveillance-counter surveillance officers are completely invisible and they can act as anything to blend the environment. These exceptional surveillance services gives you advantage how to reclaim the element of surprise and the tactical advantage by conducting truly covert protective operations.

If you do not want a security guard shadowing your every move, we offer protective surveillance services. This is a more low-profile technique used for providing protection to clients who want to keep their privacy while having peace of mind that there is a responsive and capable security team nearby if a situation were to arise.

We provide security officers and electronic surveillance systems national and international to office buildings, construction sites, retail space, transportation facilities, private residences, neighborhoods, business and commercial properties, local communities, data centers, government and non-government installations. Full time and part-time contracted services receive the same quality of service backed by our commitment to excellence.


Residential Security
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
Protecting residential communities and improving the quality of life.
Your Family Deserves peace of mind and Spetsnaz Security International's residential communities and improving the quality of life.Residential Patrols GPS tracking of security officers, Professional, SIA Licensed, trustworthy and reliable services and 100% customer satisfaction.

Protecting what matters most Front Desk, Ambassador Services, Clients access to Online reports 24/7 Parking Enforcement & Security 24/7 Residential Patrol System, residential security.

We are experienced in dealing with residential communities in London, Westminster, and Belgravia counties where our access control, roving patrols and front desk ambassadors provide personalized services to each resident. We treat residents, visitors, employees, and vendors with dignity and respect.Our mission is to provide safety to your family and keep your property safe at all cost 24/7, 7 days a week. Our classy and highly trained security guards will keep your residence secured. Contact us for information on how we can provide security to your residential property. We would love to evaluate your residential property.


Event Security Guards | Party or Special Event Security Services
Call us now on: +44 (0759) 957 45 24 - Viber & WhatsApp
#1 Security Guard Company London
Spetsnaz Security International Service is the premier security guard services company in London. We take great pride in our work throughout London and the surrounding regions. Spetsnaz Security International Service boasts an extremely skilled and highly trained staff of event security guards, movie film set security, event staff, cash handling and secure transportation services , armed security guards, executive security , on set security and business security technology consultants that have years of hands on experience. Contact Spetsnaz Security International Service if you have any security concerns or needs of any type or size. Spetsnaz Security International Services provides on-demand security services to all parts of London including: Westminster, Belgravia, Brentford, Chiswick, Ealing, Mayfair and more.

Spetsnaz Security International services provides business owners, event promoters, managers and private customers with integrated solutions designed to quickly, efficiently and effectively address any security concerns. We can even provide celebrity bodyguards , movie set security, and red-carpet security. The modern world is a frightening place with evolving dangers that pose extremely dangerous security concerns. Spetsnaz Security International Service will address these concerns with customized solutions designed by specialists that represent the best and most up to date talent and technology that can be found in the industry, let alone in the Nation. Spetsnaz Security International services provide innovative solutions such as:

Event Security – Any size event, from small gatherings to huge, filled arenas
Club Security – Nightclub security and bar security of any nature
Movie Set Security – Crowd control and constant set security
Election Security – Contentious election cycles can cause violent outbreaks
Around the Clock Security – 24/7 security and monitoring
Unarmed Security – When the cargo or customer needs trained specialists, we’re here
VIP Security – We have guarded and protected many VIP’s of all stature
Commercial & Private Security – Any and all properties of any size
Spetsnaz Security International Services is extremely qualified and constantly trained in new and improve methods to address security issues such as:

Large crowds & demonstrations
Terrorist activities
Violent attacks
Attempted theft
Fire prevention and detection
VIP and individual protection

London UK International Driver, off duty cops, police officers, State Trooper, family driver, Covert security, corporate chauffeur, off duty cops, police officers, asset protection, private driver, Priority Executive Services, armed chauffeurs, executive armed chauffeurs, secure transportation, security guards, law enforcement, police, safety, executive protection, bodyguard, Security driver, personal driver, private chauffeurs, executive chauffeurs, VIP security, concierge, protection driver, protection chauffeur, security companies, Westminster, Connecticut, corporate transportation, celebrity security, corporate travel management, country club, secure transportation, public relations firm, private jet, London consulates, London chauffeur, corporate chauffeur, Rolls Royce Phantom, SUV, Bentley Continental Flying Spur, Cadillac Escalade, Mercedes Benz Sprinter, limousine, black car service, athlete, travel agent, destination management company, headquarters, caa, safe, player, ride, protection, aexp, American business express travel, travel agents, athlete protection, artist transportation, Department of defense top secret, dod confidential, Motion Picture Talent, film talent,CODIV 19, TV Talent, music talent, sports agent, entertainment agent, musical agent, transportation department, transportation gang boss, transportation coordinator, production department, production manager, assistant director, 1st ad, 1st assistant director, crew transportation, assistant director, 2nd AD, film director, film crew, video director, movie producer, music producer, video producer, production assistant, Production Coordinator, Production Manager, Celebrity Booker, talent booker, Transport Captain, travel coordinator, sports management agency, sports marketing agencies, players agent, booking agency, artist management agency, artist representative,

We take pride in saying that none of the residential security companies in London offer any of our premium services at the price that we can offer. You can hire security for events, wedding, corporate parties and gatherings, film and TV sets, shows, pubs,concerts and for private events, debt collection, restaurants, night clubs, casinos etc.

Spetsnaz Security International Provides Services in following areas of London
North London | Camden |Euston |Hampstead |Highgate | Kentish Town |Kings Cross |Islington |Stoke Newington |St. Pancras |Wembley ....

South London |Brixton |Dulwich |Forest Hill | Greenwich |Lambeth |Southwark |Wandsworth | Wimbledon

West London |Brentford |Chiswick |Ealing |Fulham |Hammersmith | Hampton |Isleworth |Twickenham

East London |Docklands |Bethnal Green |Shoreditch |Spitalfields |Whitechapel |Walthamstow |Mile End |Bow | Stratford

Central London |Bayswater | Belgravia|Bloomsbury |Clerkenwell|The City |Holborn | Mayfair |Paddington |Pimlico |Soho |St. James's | St. John's Wood |The West End | Westminster |Whitehall

We Cover following postcodes for event security in London

EC1 |EC2 |EC3 |EC4 |W1 |W2 |W4 |W6 |W11|SW1|SW3|SW5|SW7|SW11|SW19 |SE1|SE10|SE21|E1|E2|E3|N1|N5|N6|NW1|NW3|WC2|EC1|EC2|EC3|EC4|W1|W2|W4 |W6|W8 |W11 |SW1|SW3 |SW5 |SW7 |SW11 |SW19 |SE1 |SE10|SE16 |SE21 |E1 |E2 |E3 vN1 |N5 |N6 |NW1 |NW3 | WC1 |WC2|

In addition we can deploy our services national or international 24/7, 7 days a week.

© SpetsnazSecurityInternational.co.uk - - Contact Us | Privacy Policy - Terms And Conditions | Company No. 10524908 | Tel: 07599574524 (Viber & WhatsApp)

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